Ridiculous Enterprises will not sell,trade,willfully allow access to, your personal information without express permission.
Submissions through this site will be used only for improving our services, fixing bugs, offering of new services. In anycase
personal information will be anonymized. It will not be used for marketing for without your consent.
You may be contacted by ,automated email system, or person, regarding your account at your registered email or contact information. Ridiculous Enterprises will not contact you with marketing or other offers at information required for signup.
Ridiculous enterprises may at some time in the future release anonymized data as it pertains your useage of this site, or your submissions with the express purpose of improving the site, services, or for scientific or social needs.
Signing up for the newsletter or other requests for communication are not covered this previous contact rules. We will however not sell information submitted to our other sources either.
While Ridiculous Enterprises takes steps to maintain your anonymity and the security of your data it is recommended you not submit any information that require any particular secrecy.
You may be contacted by ,automated email system, or person, regarding your account at your registered email or contact information. Ridiculous Enterprises will not contact you with marketing or other offers at information required for signup.
Ridiculous enterprises may at some time in the future release anonymized data as it pertains your useage of this site, or your submissions with the express purpose of improving the site, services, or for scientific or social needs.
Signing up for the newsletter or other requests for communication are not covered this previous contact rules. We will however not sell information submitted to our other sources either.
While Ridiculous Enterprises takes steps to maintain your anonymity and the security of your data it is recommended you not submit any information that require any particular secrecy.